The Stolen Collection

Tideland Studio

Tideland Studio

The Stolen Collection

Ceramic 3D print. Digital photogrammetry models and ceramic 3D print. 2023.

Exhibitor's text

The Stolen Collection consists of nine ceramic works. Each work is a replica of a stolen cultural heritage item from the Middle East that has recently been sold through the eBay marketplace. In a form of digital archaeology, AI and ceramic 3D printing are combined to capture and recreate these objects before they disappear into private art collections. In the finished works, historical craftsmanship merges with modern fabrication processes in an expression that is both imperfect and alluring.


Crime, antiquity, data, archaeology, ceramics, Middle East, replica, cultural heritage, online art trade, AI (artificial intelligence), 3D printing, collection, clay, digital fabrication, fragment, innovation, theft, Mesopotamia, archive, 3D.