On this page, you can get an overview of how we collect, process and protect personal information.

The Biennale for Craft and Design is committed to handling personal data both securely and seriously and according to the latest applicable international regulations.

The Biennale is the data controller for the receipt and processing of personal information that we collect for a number of different purposes (see below). Therefore, we have adopted this privacy protection policy, which aims to provide an overview of what information we collect about you and what we use it for.

We also inform you about the legal basis for our processing of this personal data and about the rights you have. At the same time, we naturally ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with applicable legislation.

Should you require any further information or details, please feel free to contact us. You will find contact information at the bottom of this page.


A cookie is a file that is placed on your computer or other IT equipment. It makes it possible to recognize your computer and collect information such as browser types, pages viewed and links clicked. But cookies cannot see who you are, what your name is, where you live or whether the computer is used by one or more people. It also cannot spread computer viruses or other harmful programs. The biennale uses the information to give us an overall overview of how the website is used.

Cookies are used by virtually all websites. In some cases, cookies are the only way to make a website work as intended.

This website uses cookies. You will be informed that cookies are being set before they are set. This is what the Biennale – and everyone else – is committed to. Read more at about cookies and the legal basis in the Decree on requirements for information and consent when storing or accessing information in end-user terminal equipment (Cookie Decree).

The following third parties place cookies on your computer when you visit

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)
Makes it possible for the Biennale to carry out statistical analyses, such as the number of visitors to the website, time spent on the website, gender, age, and browser types.COOKIES FOR STATISTICS

The first time you land on, you will see a field with information about cookies at the bottom of the page. The Biennale uses the statistics to improve user-friendliness. The information in the statistics is anonymous and is not linked to the individual user.


You can always reject cookies on your computer by changing the settings in your browser. Where you find the settings depends on which browser you use. However, you should be aware that if you do so, there are many functions and services you cannot use because they require the website to remember the choices you make. All browsers allow you to delete cookies individually or all on one time. How you do this depends on which browser you use.